Huayi Pharma innovator drug workshop construction started!

Effect diagram

To accelerate the business transformation and focus on innovator drug service, recently, the construction of innovator drug workshop of Huayi Pharma is started!

Site construction

In order to grasp the opportunity of rapid development of innovator drug CDMO market and enhance the core service competitiveness of the company in CDMO industry, Huayi Pharma focuses on the innovator drug production service and starts the construction of the innovator drug production workshop based on the current strategic planning of the company and the high-speed development trend of the company’s related business. For the workshop, 3 production lines are planned for the production of highly potent preparations, general oral solid preparations, semi-solid preparations preclinical research samples and clinical phase I, II and III samples; the workshop will be equipped with professional pilot equipment as well as rich production and process technology reserve for the commercial production after the clinical batch, and to accelerate the marketing process of the innovator drugs.

In the future, Huayi Pharma will continue to focus on the CDMO services, adhere to the corporate values of “create value for the benefit of the word” and the corporate spirit of “keep pragmatic and innovative in pursuit of excellence”, continuously optimize and upgrade industrial services and technologies, insist on building an open CDMO service platform for international markets, focusing on the preparations and providing chemical synthesis as supplementary service, and give full play to its own strengths in the field of generic and innovator drug to provide customers with more high-quality services, create more value for the pharmaceutical industry, and make the medicines that the common people can afford to use!